Polly po-cket
Mobile SMS.xtgem.com

SMS NO. 16
My day may be hectic my schedule may be tight. but i would never let the day end without saying goodnight. sweet dreams.
SMS NO. 17
Angels are there to guide and protect you in what ever you will do tonight . they will take you to a place where your dreams can come true.
SMS NO. 18
You are the reason why i have sleepless nights. you are the reason why i tend to hold my pillow tight. and you are the reason i cant sleep without saying good night.
SMS NO. 19
As the day turns into night, keep your worries out of sight. close your eyes and in to sleep, for all the good times are yours to keep sweetest dreams.
SMS NO. 20
If dreams are not dreams and if dreams come true, i would not be there i would be with you. distance is 1 thing that keeps us apart but you are always in my heart. good night.