Teya Salat
Mobile SMS.xtgem.com

SMS NO. 11
Your network tariff has changed! Call charges are now calculated according to brain size. The smaller the cheaper! Congrats You can make free calls!
SMS NO. 12
Unlike others ur brain is a master piece, It is divided in to 2 parts. Left & Right.. In the left nothing is right & in the right nothig is left.. -)
SMS NO. 13
Beauty Tip: If U Want 2 protect Ur Face From Dust, Mud & Other Such Things Then apply ASIAN PAINTS Exterior Emulsion on ur face 7 yrs guarantee!!
SMS NO. 14
Do u remember ur childhood? When u wen 2 a doll shop, stood infront of a doll n askd uncle! How much is that monkey doll shpkper replied that is a mirror my child -)
SMS NO. 15
I Like 3 things: Pizza. Pepsi. & You. Pizza 2 eat. Pepsi 2 drink. & You 2 clean the table.